Georgy Mikhailovich Beriev was born on February 13, 1903 in Tiflis (Tbilisi).
In 1923 after graduating from Tiflis railway system college he entered Polytechnic Institute. In 1925 he transferred to Leningrad polytechnic institute, college of shipbuilding, aircraft department.In 1930 upon graduation from the Institute, he began working as designer in Design Bureau headed by French designer P.A. Richard.
In the end of 1930 he became the Deputy of Marine Team Chief of Menzhinsky Plant Central Design Bureau.In 1934 he was appointed as Chief Designer and Head of Central Design Bureau of Seaplanes Manufacturing (TsKBMS), and worked in this position till 1968.
The following seaplanes were designed under his guidance: MBR-2, MR-1, MR-1T, ship-based catapulted airplane KOR-1 and KOR-2, Be-6, jet flying boat Be-10, amphibious aircraft Be-12 (with modifications) and Be-12PS - serial; MDR-5, MBR-7, LL-143, Be-8, R-1, Be-14, Be-30 (Be-32) experimental passenger aircraft, experimental flying bomb P-10.
Georgy M. Beriev was a member of scientific-and-technical panels of the State Committee of Council of Ministers of aircraft engineering and State Committee of shipbuilding and scientific-and-technical panels of Navy aviation. Major-general of engineer-technical service (1951), Doctor of Science (1961), twice the laureate of State award (1947 - for designing Be-6; 1968 - for designing Be-12), was awarded with two Lenin Orders and two orders of Red Banner, and medals. The last years of his life he spent in Moscow and was engaged in scientific activities. He died on 12 July, 1979.